South Terrace PRIDE:

Keeping our School a Happy and Safe Place

We take PRIDE at South Terrace Elementary. We work to ensure that all students are listened to and feel like they are part of a community.  We believe it is important for us to teach behaviors we want to see in our students, so we strive to employ a structured, systematic approach, which is designed to support learning.  Classroom management, student motivation, and positive reinforcement help generate an atmosphere where student rules are viewed as guidelines for academic success.

At South Terrace Elementary, we:

  • Teach the students the behaviors we want to see through our PRIDE program.

    • If they aren't organized, we teach them how to be organized.

    • If they aren't respectful, we teach them about respect and how to show it.

    • If they aren't responsible, we teach them new skills to show responsibility.

    • If they are distracted, we teach them how to focus.

How do we do that?

  • We communicate expectations clearly and we do it often. We explain why the behavior is important and how positive behaviors make our lives better.

  • We build relationships with our students. Students will always learn behavior lessons better from someone with whom they trust and connect.

  • We Listen.  We strive to understand.

  • We give students feedback on how they're doing.  We correct; we re-direct, and we encourage.

  • We facilitate reflection.  We ask them to think about their own behavior and how they are learning and growing. 

  • We offer a fresh start each day.  We don't bring up previous mistakes except as a teaching opportunity, but never to shame or gain the upper hand.  We're patient and we don't fight battles.  We never enter into a power struggle.

  • We always protect the dignity of each child.  We use positive reinforcement and we personalize instruction in order to motivate.



If a student makes a mistake in the classroom, we help them repair the harm done to an individual, the classroom climate or the school climate.   

As the following questions:

  • LISTEN:  Identify the harm caused and to whom.

    • What happened?  

    • Who was affected by what you did?

  • EMPATHIZE: Help them empathize with others who were a recipient of the harm.

    • How do you think they felt when that happened?

    • In what ways do you think it affected them?

  • ASK and  Analyze:  Help them figure out a way to repair the harm.

    • What can you do to make things right?

    • How do you play to carry out this plan?

    • How will this repair the harm?  Will this take care of everyone involved?

  • APOLOGIZE:  If it's warranted, have the student apologize.  It's only effective, if the student means it.  Find that out.

  • SOLVE:  Have the student reflect on this and SOLVE the problem.  

    • How can we ensure it doesn't happen again? 

TIER ONE: Full Classroom Social Emotional Instruction for ALL Students


  • Social/Emotional Lessons in SEL Class.  

  • Buddy Messages

  • Solid Classroom Expectations

TIER TWO: Possible Interventions given by classroom teacher when behaviors occur.


  • Restorative Circles

  • Mediation

  • Skill Development

  • De-escalation Strategies

  • Lunch with the teacher/reteach expectation/phone call home.

  • Separate Learning space in the classroom/reteach expectations/phone call home

  • Removal of Fun Activity in the classroom/reteach expectations/phone call home.

  • Focus Walk

  • Think Sheet

  • SEL Conference with adult

  • Quiet time in the office

  • etc.

TIER THREE: Possible interventions done, by administration, when more intense behaviors have surfaced.


  • Admin Conference

  • Phone call home

  • Day Dismissal

  • Lunch Detention with Principal

  • ISS

  • Intense instruction

  • Parent meeting

  • Focus walk

  • Referral to MTSS for additional, more intense interventions like therapy, Family Support, counseling, etc.

  • Carlton K-5 SEL Interventions - to be used to help teach about the effects of :

    • Bus Safety

    • Playground Rules

    • Harassment and Violence

    • Bullying

    • Hazing

    • Weapons

**We work hard to ensure non exclusionary practices are in place so we can work to change behaviors.